Category: Uncategorized

  • IHF Exec. Director Honored by CDC & IHF for Uman Pilgrimage

    IHF Exec. Director Honored by CDC & IHF for Uman Pilgrimage

    (originally published July 6, 2022 / 7 Tammuz 5782 by Shabsie Saphirstein) Featured Image, left to right: Dr. Joseph Frager, Dr. Stephen Soloway, Rabbi David Katz, Rabbi Zvi Gluck & Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt With the start of this summer in full swing, Rosh Hashanah preparations are far from our minds. However, the scene was […]

  • Chairman Weiss: An Anti-Semite Should Never Be A U.S. Ambassador

    Chairman Weiss: An Anti-Semite Should Never Be A U.S. Ambassador

    (originally published June 27, 2022 / 28 Sivan 5782) One of the world’s most popular anti-Semitic libels claims that the Jews wield omnipotent political power and influence in the world. This fantasy became infamous via the anti-Semitic book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which bizarrely alleged that a group of Jewish leaders control […]

  • Chairman Weiss: To Save US Jewish Community, Reach Out

    Chairman Weiss: To Save US Jewish Community, Reach Out

    (originally published June 19, 2022 / 20 Sivan 5782) The most recent Pew study of American Jews showed that around 70% of non-Orthodox Jews currently intermarry and assimilate. Sadly, almost all of these Jews know nothing about their religion and heritage, or the reasons they should only marry fellow Jews and practice Judaism. Many Orthodox […]

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: On the 6th Yahrzeit of Irving Moskowitz

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: On the 6th Yahrzeit of Irving Moskowitz

    Originally published June 19, 2016 The World lost one of its truly “Greatest” on the the 10th of Sivan -Dr. Irving Moskowitz Z’L. I had the honor and privilege of knowing Dr. Irving Moskowitz Z’L for the past 31 years. He and his beloved family transformed the Old City of Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, […]

  • Chairman Weiss: Israel – End Appeasement at the Temple Mount

    Chairman Weiss: Israel – End Appeasement at the Temple Mount

    (originally published June 2, 2022 / 3 Sivan 5782) The Jerusalem District Court has just allowed criminal charges against Jews who say the Shema prayer in a public place on the Temple Mount, the Jewish people’s holiest site. In her ruling, Judge Einat Avman-Muller wrote that freedom of prayer “is not absolute, and it should […]

  • A Video Circulating Just In Time for Yom Yerushalayim 5782/2022

    A Video Circulating Just In Time for Yom Yerushalayim 5782/2022
  • PRESS RELEASE: IHF Hosts Israeli Ambassadors, Salute Their State

    PRESS RELEASE: IHF Hosts Israeli Ambassadors, Salute Their State

    (originally published May 25, 2022 / 24 Iyar 5782) Each year ahead of the Celebrate Israel Parade, Jewish New Yorkers find different ways to pay tribute to the country they call home. This year, after three long years without extravagant outdoor festivities, I opted to raise a glass with two gentlemen of the ultimate faith […]

  • Chairman Weiss: Biden’s Detrimental Israel Policy

    (originally published May 9, 2022 / 8 Iyar 5782) The Palestinian Authority under President Mahmoud Abbas has a longstanding law that provides financial incentives to murder Jews. This law, often nicknamed “pay-to-slay,” is perhaps the most heinous anti-Semitic law since the Nazi era. Under it, the P.A. budgets and disburses more than $350 million to […]

  • Chairman Weiss: Religious Freedom & The Temple Mount

    Chairman Weiss: Religious Freedom & The Temple Mount

    (originally published May 3, 2022 / 2 Iyar 5782) The Jewish right to pray at the Western Wall was twice attacked by rocks thrown by Muslims from the Temple Mount in recent weeks. Israel acted to stop the attacks, yet even the U.S. did not lend support to the Israeli effort or condemn the attacks […]

  • The Miracle of Mon

    The Miracle of Mon

    (originally published April 28, 2022 / 27 Nisan 5782) The week after Passover, the Jews maintain a custom of baking challah either in the shape of a key or with a key baked into the challah. The principal reason is that when the Jewish nation went out of Egypt through the desert, it lacked food. […]